Wednesday 2nd January 2013

On January 2, 2013, in General, by Lyndon-Farnham

 – I am sorry I did not post an entry in December – it appears to have been the busiest month of the year for me!  December saw two very busy States sessions culminating with the Plemont debate the outcome of which is now well known.  You can read my speech here I was also pleased to learn that crime figures continued the downward trend which underlines another solid performance from the States of Jersey Police Force.  Customs also had some great successes with drugs seizures and continue to work well with France and the UK.  I did manage a reasonable break with my family over the Christmas and New Year period despite succumbing to a rather nasty cold! Nevertheless, I have emerged feeling re-vitalised and looking forward to the year ahead. I do enjoy serving the island and wish you all a very Happy and Healthy 2013.

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