My Plémont Speech

On December 12, 2012, in The Environment, by Lyndon-Farnham

Plémont – Speech delivered to the States of Jersey 12/12/2012 at 1640hrs I would like to focus Members attention on the key points of the debate and begin by briefly touching upon the principles of compulsory purchase in such circumstances, and try to address the genuine concerns that some Members have, including myself, with reconciling […]

Plemont – 6th December 2012

On December 6, 2012, in The Environment, by Lyndon-Farnham

Thank you all for taking the time to contact me with your views about Plemont. I feel that I have to say that I am reluctantly leaning towards supporting the purchase of the Plemont Headland. I say reluctantly because of the potential costs involved. In my opinion, the environmental argument for protecting the area is […]

Plemont – 18th November 2012

On November 18, 2012, in The Environment, by Lyndon-Farnham

The decision to approve the submitted plans for the Plemont Headland came as no surprise to me. I would very much like to see the Headland purchased by the States and retained for future generations but level heads must prevail. I am lead to believe the current value (with planning permission) to be in the […]