Feel a part of things

On August 10, 2011, in Society, by gerfar

I wrote to the JEP a while ago about how in these difficult times with things generally being tougher for everyone I noticed that at Christmas, there was actually a more spiritual, rather than commercial feeling in the air. Having less money to throw around makes us think more carefully about what we do with it, and subsequently, think more about those close to us in the firing line for gifts. And by “Spiritual” I mean in a non-secular but thoughtful and caring way. And even if things have been harder for everyone, what a silver lining that has been for this particular dark cloud.

Now, I feel that this similar outward feeling has spread and we are becoming more aware of our part in society. Not that we have more social responsibility, but perhaps that we feel more empowered, or enabled, or simply that it’s more important and worthwhile. We realise we can have our say, and be heard.

The more exciting scenes from the recent unrest in London and cities around the UK  may be mostly down to criminal elements exploiting an unstable situation, but the underlying cause looks like a feeling of frustration and anger by certain elements of a community who do not feel they have a say and don’t have anywhere left to turn and so inevitably, being in that position, being cornered, will usually respond aggressively.

This all sounds very serious and in many ways it is, but while life goes on and we make the best of it, it is good to be positive and remember that “tis better giving than to recieve” and by voting, or standing up and having your say, you are being true to yourself, you are being heard, and you are generously giving to us all.

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